Zoom 2 – The Limbic System, and where the Self might come from

You have definitely pored over the question (to differing extents) “Who am I?” Well, look no further than this over-simplified science post to find an answer to that question. A vital part of you necessary to answer that question is the limbic system – a not really well-defined collection of different parts of your brain. It was first described in 1952. The limbic system is … Continue reading Zoom 2 – The Limbic System, and where the Self might come from

Zoom 1 – Aristotle, your brain is not a xxxxx! (read on to find out!)

Zoom 1 – Aristotle, your brain is not a ———- What did Aristotle think your brain was responsible for? A) Thinking, B) Coordination of Movement, C) Love or D) Cooling – Find out what’s true and why in this article! Continue reading Zoom 1 – Aristotle, your brain is not a xxxxx! (read on to find out!)

Sticky post

PhD Study Tips – How to organize the papers you should be reading now.

PhD Study Tips – How to organize those research papers you should be reading now. (Yes, I mean you, Procrastinator!) Follow these easy 6 steps, and maybe, your research project won’t drown in a massive pile of papers you might’ve read, but can’t remember! Continue reading PhD Study Tips – How to organize the papers you should be reading now.

Why the Fairy Lights of the Ocean exist – Dinoflagellates.

Some of you might be wondering right now, “What are these outlandish things? Did the bot watch too much Star Trek?” Far from it, because what looks like a collection of space ships bringing death and demise is actually a group of microscopic unicellular organisms. These little critters are known as dinoflagellates. Their name is composed of “dinos” (which means “whirling”) and “flagellum” because they … Continue reading Why the Fairy Lights of the Ocean exist – Dinoflagellates.

Greetings from Berlin: “«Oh-Mein-Gott-Teilchen»: Kosmische Strahlung mit außergalaktischem Ursprung” (Study finds cosmic rays originate from galaxies outside the Milky Way)

Greetings from Berlin: Oh-Mein-Gott-Teilchen – The God Particle (Study finds cosmic rays originate from galaxies outside the Milky Way) We thought they cam from the center of our galaxy. Turns out, they’re coming from far, far away… How would you measure something that’s faster than the speed of light? And what’s an underground swimming pool got to do with it? Continue reading Greetings from Berlin: “«Oh-Mein-Gott-Teilchen»: Kosmische Strahlung mit außergalaktischem Ursprung” (Study finds cosmic rays originate from galaxies outside the Milky Way)